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to Each Client.

Attorney recognition is an honor for Lesser Lutrey Pasquesi & Howe, LLP

On Behalf of | Mar 11, 2021 | Firm News

In both our Chicago and Lake Forest offices, the law firm of Lesser Lutrey Pasquesi & Howe, LLP is committed to helping you shape, preserve and share the legacy you worked so hard to develop. We value the trust of our community members and colleagues. Therefore, we are proud to announce our attorneys’ recent recognition for expertise in the legal profession.

Selected firm members received acknowledgment in the following three categories:

LLPH Super Lawyers

Each year, attorneys across the nation can receive a nomination for Super Lawyers commendation. Distinguishing characteristics of professional achievement are often represented through achievements which include honors or awards received, lectures provided, pro bono counsel and favorable verdicts.

Congratulations to our 2021 Super Lawyers:

  • Jennifer J. Howe – Estate and Trust Litigation
  • David M. Lutrey – Estate planning
  • Thomas A. Pasquesi – Estate and Trust Litigation

LLPH Leading Lawyers

Known as the “Nations Top Lawyers” through in-state peer recommendation, less than 5% of attorneys receive recognition as a “Leading Lawyer”.

We applaud the following “Leading Lawyers” at LLPH:

  • Thomas A. Pasquesi – Trust, Will and Estate Planning Law
  • Jenifer J. Howe – Trust, Will and Estate Planning Law
  • David M. Lutrey –  Trust, Will and Estate Planning Law
  • Fredric B. Lesser – Tax Law; Trust, Will and Estate Planning Law

LLPH Emerging Lawyers

Emerging Lawyers are identified by annual surveys completed by each state’s Leading Lawyers of attorneys age 40 or younger with less than 10 years of experience.

Congratulations to LLPH Emerging Lawyers:

  • Kathryn G. Shores – Elder Law
  • Jeffrey P. O’Kelley – Trust, Will and Estate Planning Law
  • Carrie A. Zuniga – Bankruptcy Law

With decades of experience to draw from, our attorneys are well recognized among their peers for expertise in the areas of trusts and estates. We are grateful for the continuing opportunity to serve you.


FindLaw Network
LCA Litigation Counsel of America Fellow
ACTEC The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
My Estate and Legacy Planner