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Sometimes, probate litigation is necessary in Illinois

While most Illinois estate owners might hope that their estate plans are solid, with clearly defined terms, any number of issues can arise when it comes time to settle an estate. Probate litigation becomes a necessity when a provision of a last will and testament, a particular appointment of a person or modification of a will is challenged. Issues involving heirs or beneficiaries, tax information or trusts can be highly complex and difficult to resolve.

Sometimes, family members are at odds when one person has been left out of a will or another claims he or she has proof that the decedent wanted to transfer certain asset to that individual. It is not uncommon for legal problems to spark personal relationship rifts, as well. Sadly, many family relationships have been permanently scarred when those involved did not agree on how an estate issue was handled.

To increase the chances of finding a solution to an estate-related legal problem, it helps to tap into local resources to obtain experienced probate guidance and support. On one hand, it might seem as though the least expensive way to resolve such problems is to discuss the matter at hand in private and try to reach an agreement. On the other hand, however, such tactics often fall short and the longer an issue is left unresolved, the more expensive it might get to rectify the problem in court.

Hiring an experienced probate litigation attorney is a wise option for any Illinois resident who is currently facing legal problems related to a deceased loved one’s estate. Lesser Lutrey Pasquesi & Howe, LLC, are fully equipped to address any probate issue in the state. If you have encountered an unanticipated problem and have questions regarding assets, creditors, taxes or other issues, you can request a meeting to schedule a review of your circumstances.


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