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Probate litigation continues regarding Charles Manson estate

Although it is not all that uncommon for complications and problems to arise when Illinois families address estate administration matters following their loved ones’ deaths, it is likely safe to assume that most disagreements pertain to financial assets or other items of worth, not the actual bodies of the decedents. However, that just so happens to be a central focus of current probate litigation that has erupted following the death of convicted mass murderer, Charles Manson. It seems that just as his life was full of bizarre twists and turns, so too, is the legal battle taking place after his death.

The problem is that several people have filed paperwork to claim Manson’s remains as well as his personal property. Manson’s grandson has come forward to say he is entitled to his grandfather’s remains. He has hired an attorney to act on his behalf.

Another man says he and Manson were penpals for approximately 30 years. He claims Manson entrusted him with a final will and testament that lists him as a sole beneficiary. A judge in California has ruled that release of Manson’s body and distribution of his assets are two separate issues. The judge is also trying to determine where the probate litigation cases should be heard as the law states the court where a decedent was domiciled should address such matters; however, it does not specify whether that would mean before or after Manson went to jail.

The probate litigation surrounding Manson’s death is an example of how complex and stressful posthumous legal battles can be. Most Illinois residents take similar paths as Manson’s grandson by hiring experienced probate and administration attorneys to represent them in court. This often increases the chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Bizarre legal battle over Charles Manson’s body and estate begins in L.A. court“, Joseph Serna, Jan. 8, 2018


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