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What Illnois law states about the living will process

Executing certain documents while one is of sound mind may help ensure that certain actions are carried out (or avoided) if an urgent situation arises where one becomes incapacitated. Living wills are an example of this. When terminal conditions are diagnosed by Illinois physicians, such documents ensure that measures to prolong life may (or may not, depending on personal preference) be taken. Many consider them a vital part of the estate planning process.

When a person puts into writing what he or she desires or wishes to avoid regarding medical care that might be given in a life or death situation, the burden of making such decisions is removed from family members. Most states have their own laws to oversee the living will process. Anyone who wishes to sign such a document must be at least 18 years old.

Someone wishing to execute a living will must also be a resident of the state. The actual signing of the document must be witnessed by two independent witnesses. It’s typically a good idea to consult with an experienced attorney throughout the process.

A living will is not a requirement. Additionally, once a living will has been filed, it can be changed as needed, providing the person who made it is still of sound mind. A living will takes effect when a terminal diagnosis is made. There are several ways to revoke an existing living will. Anyone with questions this or some other aspect of the estate planning process in Illinois, may request a meeting with an estate planning attorney.

Source: illinois.gov, “Illinois Living Will Act”, Accessed on Dec. 26, 2017


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